Forum of Lies 17 - Unseen and Warlock Victory!

i got one boys


I was more trusting of him until Alice pointed out that he could be Scorned according to the speed of his push. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m waiting

Liked by orange

Summary of reads so far


Icibalus - Strongest (obviously
Alice + Firekitten - Weakest


Squid - Strongest
Marcus - Weakest


Why is boopy your town read explain?

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Things. Shh

Explain ur village reads

@bazingaboy I am expecting an amazing tinfoil right now.

Okay so if Marcus was the assassin who do you think the MM would be? Canā€™t imagine CL would eradicate and Iā€™m only asking for one without the NK example

Iā€™ve played about 10 games with Jammy
this is village!Jammy

thats exactly what a scummer would say

All you did was sheep Ici and you are his town read I want to inquire more about this tbh.

Thereā€™s just the tiny bit of extra investment that indicates that theyā€™re village, methinks.

in what way is my village play any more useful than my wolf play

hi Town

Firekitten you claim Marcus visited who?


And who did you follow then?

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For now, Iā€™m not sure, but I will do a search for possible candidates with ISOs once my lecture is over

itā€™s very very very very slightly more useful, believe it or not
youā€™re far from resolved, thatā€™s what that tilde is trying to indicate, but Iā€™m decently sure that youā€™re village here.