Forum of Lies 17 - Unseen and Warlock Victory!

Knight is not a confirmable clsas when the BD has to spend about 5 night actions to set things up to confirm them.

If you get Knight, you know you are always gonna be suspicious, so you basically shouldnā€™t defend yourself (I wouldnā€™t) also weā€™re talking about Squid and you seem to be hard defending them honestly. Almost like you are protecting your scum, or are trying to pocket Squid.

anyway Waz has schoolā€¦ goodbye

Excuse me, I am literally trying to start a trial on Squid.

Wazza, are you blind or what?

I think Waz just had a stroke

@Wazza tell me the def of pocketing right now

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Also itā€™s 4:08 someone put me out of my misery

W h y d o e s n o b o d y r e a d t h e t h r e a d


Its 10:07 here

B u t I d o

Anyone want to ask me questions while Iā€™m half asleep

Are u scum ?

No u. I mean serious questions

Why arent you sleeping at that time?

Thatā€™s not a serious question :eyes:

What do you think about baz rn

Can you explain to me exactly how itā€™s impossible for Squid to not have faked their anger or simply experienced it as a wolf?

Apparently he slipped as visiting Marcus, so heā€™s not scum unless converted (actually he could be scum but he isnā€™t a killer class)

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Its not impossible but Its unlikely

Is it really?