Forum of Lies 17 - Unseen and Warlock Victory!

oh, and those 2 quotes after the spoilers, I read with the thought “Insanity is town.” and couldn’t find any fault with them.

Alright, beginning with the thought “Squid is BD” this first post from Squid already pings me somewhat. Ici literally said “Hello there folks.” and you’d put me under the impression this is her BD reaction? Press X to doubt.

Squid Y u do dis as town

I’m not sure how much pressure there was on Squid, but if this is her reaction to it I’m really annoyed. And it’s not even because she could be wolf and doing it, in fact Squid could be town and doing this and its quite dangerous for town, reminds me of GD2 where she just YOLOed at the first sign of pressure, when it would’ve been better for her to actually out herself, and then get opinions on who to dayvig rather than taking it into her own hands where she may seppukku herself and another BD as well. Those games are NOT fun to be alive in when you’re town


This interaction bothers me, Squid should have her own CS targets in mind as town here, and that she’s willing to take orders from Sam, who’s quite null atm, pings me as lacking BD motivation to actually think for themselves.

I dislike how Squid hasn’t really shown progression on any of these reads besides Icibalus,and her argument against him is “Ici knows I’m an easy ML so he’d be happy to push it if he were wolf.” which is more or less meta reading

This is the statement that for me undoes my whole ISO because it shows her motivation. Her motivation in all of the above is to improve. It takes a shit ton of gall and bladder to end with that note right there.

I’m overall null on Squids slot at the moment, but if someone handed me a gun right now I would shoot her without hesitation, because even if she is town this obsession with proving themselves and not communicating with town is downright dangerous.

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Marcus I don’t get this part.

That second quote was in reference to GD2 where Squid more or less day CSed because she was scumspected

Oh okay then I was confused.

What do you think about insanity and squids interaction?

you only touched on it lightly

I’m not too sure really, I’m townleaning on Insanity at the moment, so at worst it is TvT or TvS imo

way to tired for this still tries to go back to asleep

I need slep too, but I gotta do something here before bed in 20 mins

Why am I getting FoLT vibes from Ici? I feel the same type of aggression coming out of him just like when he was Devout King focusing on one individual

Isn’t the definition of pocketing defending someone who you know is BD so when they flip BD people will automatically give you town-cred for defending them? Or am I completely wrong and stupiud?

Also either I replied to the wrong person or you edited your message

Ah yes whoops, I put both my replies in one message, I was meant to be replying to hjasik for:

Then read your messages as his for some odd reason… early morning Waz is an idiot.

Vote insanity, I don’t think we have a lot of time left

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We have 20 hours left

/vote Insanity

CHOOO CHOO vote insanity people

Well Well then, Insanity, the King is not pleased with your traitorous actions, be gone thot.

/vote Insanity

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