Forum of Lies 17 - Unseen and Warlock Victory!

Accused Voters Count
Sam17z Bazingaboy 1/7
Margaret PoisonedSquid, 1/7
Marcus Firekitten, Captain, Sam17z, Kai_5, Wazza :crown:, 6/7
Kai_5 Hjasik, 1/7

is it unseen or cult game?

/vote Marcus



aw man can’t get converted :frowning:

@Marcus_doodalee is now on trial. The trial will last 12 hours or until decide fate is used. You may now vote to execute or pardon him.



no defence needed



@Marcus_Doodalee convince me why I should pardon

invoker ree

we will get revenge for you

Pretty sure squid is scum imo after that quick hammer

Why did you just come out of no where to /exe?

They are CSING Baz tonight

‘CSING’ needs the inverted commas

/pardon /vote squid

jk lamoamlaaoamlaaoamalaoaml /execute

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also what is little bird?