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ill poison her wine

No, that was Solic

I remember the last time Amelia played a game which had D1 lynch. She got lynched D1.

No, you will probably roll NK :^)

Actually the last game I played with a D1 lynch I survived

Well if you count anarchy as a game

Didn’t that happen in Poisonous Mafia?

Anarchy was a Misc

Since we no lynched D1 in anarchy :eyes:

The last game I played with a D1 lynch I died

but not to the lynch

just to Wazza eating all of us

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and then derps added marshal to the scum chat

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rolling NK would be an experience

Wasn’t wazza’s backstory implying he just took your name and clan away and basically just made you a nobody :eyes:

I don’t think I’ve ever started evil in Forum Mafia. Lets see if that’s the case in 3 days.

Wait I just noticed that Napoleon joined too. Told you this game is stacked.

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/join as backup

You have the impression that I’m a much more skilled player than I actually am


this is how I feel every time Ans talks to me


Hey, I’m just rooting for both of you nerds.


Inb4 arete rolls neut again

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