Forum of Lies 27 Signup (18/18) - FULL

I listen to you
But I’m just a host :eyes:

I want other players to listen to me, not just the host. I want my voice to matter and impact the game in a positive way without anyone ignoring it no matter how many times I say it

i won’t die without making a difference

But what if
You roll knight

then i’ll CS you for jinxing it, and then cease existence because knights aren’t real

How does one CS the co host :thinking:

Like this!
/Cold Steel Amelia

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You committed suicide last night when you found out your target was Blue Dragon

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Are we playing good host, gooder host, goodest host?

I don’t know



Vulgod is playing :eyes:

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Holy fuck yes

time to be outed wolf day 1 again

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vulgard will be king
i will be cult leader
marshal will by my acolyte if he ins
i’m calling all of this now, it’s just gonna be a repeat of NFoL4 :eyes:

priestess updoot the OP

Can’t wait for derps the plutocratic king 2.0 :eyes:

I’m not here to play I just agree with marshal’s avatar


NFoL4 v2: now with a scumteam who knows what they are doing!