Forum of Lies 27 Signup (18/18) - FULL

host is bd

no but they register as such until N4

as if FoL games ever reach N4

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I could not host and play instead.

that would accomplish nothing because that would cause me to out and co-host in your place


Honestly 3/4 hosts is a tad absurd anyways


hey orange
you should play for the memes


Dew it Orange :eyes:

tbh, why do you have 3 hosts for a FoL game?


I know I did that at some point but thatā€™s because I was a co-host.

2 hosts is always enough for something like this.

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Donā€™t question it, it is inevitable
If one of the co-hosts leaves to play, I will out to co-host in their stead.

I figured this meant sulit wasnt replacing in. But i could be wrong


are you in or not in

2 hosts is usually enough, yes, but some people might want some experience under their belt for the future. Nothinā€™ wrong with that

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from personal experience

2 hosts is enough

but i wouldnā€™t have complained if i had a 3rd host to talk to with similar timezones

when i had questions while frost was asleep in FoL26 i was uhā€¦ kinda in a struggle?

amelia shouldnā€™t have this problem

Never said that wasnā€™t a choice :^)



If itā€™s still open Iā€™m game

there is definitely a slot available for you

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