Forum Of Lies: 2nd Game (BD & Fool Win!)

Cult doesn’t even want Possessor dead think about it. Cult needs Possessor to thin the herd a little bit as Blue Dragon clearly are most likely to win. Only a stupid cult would want to push for a lynch on the Possessor at this stage!!!

Possessor literally just killed a cult member

maybe he wants revenge

I don’t even know

Orange is kinda infamous for these kind of plays.
I still stand by my susgestion on voting orange.

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surprised no-one picked up on this lul

Jammy hasn’t even claimed yet. Go for her and if she doesn’t claim hang it.

/Unvote Orange

/Vote JammySplodge

lol what

in your eyes you have 2 confirmed bad guys, and yet you vote me

ur scum m8

/vote Hippo

btw I’m Merc and Frost is my target

/Vote Hippolytus

Pfft. Hippo. Nice try. Not even BR. I’m BD so nice try…

Considering that nithing happened to me all this time cuz the last dude has been afk.

/vote hippo

Also, to prove I’m noble, I’ll PA

This is a terrible claim.

First off, if you were an Investigative, why the hell would you stop pushing a non-BD just because?

Secondarily, you just sealed your own fate. I started pushing you ONLY AFTER you dropped your case against Arthenhur and profusely apologized. That 180 degree personality swap is what made me suspect you in the first place.

So basically, nice try, but anybody that thinks about it for more than two seconds can tell that this is total BS, ESPECIALLY if they go back and read the posts from when you first pushed Arthenhur and then backed off.

Before hammering our (scum) target.
We shall discuss night actions such as:
X does Y to confirm themself
Z protects A
Prince does P

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I’ll RB the Paladin :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean, technically I’ll convert somebody

But still, RB the Paladin

Who are you converting?
Might as well ask xD

If you convert From and he gets instagibbed I’m going to kill u



Nobody will expect it :stuck_out_tongue:

Just thought of this.
If Prince imprisons you, you cannot convert.
If Hippo is Possessor.
Then we can stop you guys and slowly confirm everyone else.
We’d have game on lockdown.

I literally already said that :rolling_eyes:

Prove it, JammySplodge.