Forum Of Lies: 2nd Game (BD & Fool Win!)

then why post here in the 1st place?

join my dude

I know I am already playing the other game but I would like to try out another role.

I volunteer as tribute!

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Will happily watch the madness happen in the background


Only 6 more ;(

BTW, everybody here should subscribe to this thread

sadly its 7 more

Put me in, holy father.

may teemo be with you

would love to join :slight_smile:

Screw it, if i lost i gotta abide by the rules

don’t forget the follow the rules such as number 6 in your case.

apart from that I am willing to forgive you this time


Llllllet’s get ready to rumblllllllllllllllllllllllllle

I think you should add another Blackrose or takeaway a Bluedragon or something cuz last game was super easy for Bluedragon. With so may roleblockers and only one assasin life as a Blackrose is hard.

Actually, the BR made a ton of mistakes and effectively killed themselves.

If you look at the released spreadsheet, the Assassin never once tried to kill anybody, and the Mastermind failed every single conversion attempt. With the Mastermind sheeping me allowing me to get a read on her, and her Paladin claim seeing her hanged so early on, the rest of the game was essentially everybody vs two pretty inactive killers, only one of whom ever actually killed.

It would have been much harder had the BR not effectively shot themselves in the foot.


The BR was truly incompetent then.

We need a replacement system.

We can’t have players not playing or being inactive for long periods of time.

Just look what happened.

~v~ once again I was trying to push the bluff of cult being here instead of br, probably would’ve been bad in the long run…