Forum Of Lies: 2nd Game (BD & Fool Win!)

Don’t guilty me because Gamateers is inactive, that isn’t my fault. Wait for him to confirm at least.

Picking the wrong person to stealth slap someone though, I am still waiting for change.

/vote innocent

Jordarrian can’t be The Observer if you scumread good enough, he didn’t saw Hippolytus visit --especially deadfrien being occupied two times in a row, by The Possessor - Hippolytus can’t be Possessor.

Hippolytus, can you explain what exactly GM responded on Night one action you used?

If Hippolytus is the Possessor, I repeat - He should have visited deadfrien in order to occupy.

Jordarrian tracked Hippolytus, but according to The Observer, Hippolytus didn’t visit night two.

Jordarrian’s claim is false one right here, in likely scenario he’s either the actual Random Cult, Possessor or ANY The Fool.

This can’t be mistaken otherwise.

Hippolytus is claiming the Any slot

Jord can’t also be the Any slot

Then why vote inno? If Jordarrian is lying, that means the Hippo still is probably guilty. If Jord was telling the truth, though, that would mean Hippo can’t be the Possessor.

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Also, assuming my list is correct, there is no space for Jord to be Blue Dragon. So if Hippo is Possesor, that means Jord is Cult or Any, and that would mean _Aftertech is Cult or Any.

The only thing I’m confused about is how the Cult Leader killed, yet no one from the Cult died from the sacrifice. I’m not sure if I’m correct on how it works.

Orangeandblack5 is the converted person and happens to be the sacrifice needed to kill Queen Alfa, but Orangeandblack5 used me to visit himself instead and survived.

If Hippolytus’s will is correct and get executed as The Princess, he would fit in Random Blue Dragon.

So I asked Hippolytus what result on night one from GM has provided for him, The King has yet to answer about the stealth slap - assuming he can still talk.

Your target is not a member of the Blue Dragon.

King - TheGamateers
Cult Leader - PolikShadowbliss
Random Cult - ???
Prince - PokemonRyanKid
Paladin - Yauaustin202
Blue Dragon Support - The Physician - Frostwolf
Blue Dragon Investigator - The Princess - QueenAlfa
Blue Dragon Social - The Psychic - Damafaud
Random Blue Dragon - ???
Random Blue Dragon - Court Wizard - Rogue
Random Blue Dragon - The Princess - Hippolytus
Random Blue Dragon - Knight/Butler - Orangeandblack5
Possessor - ???
Random Neutral - JammySplodge - claiming Mercenary
Any - ???

deadfrien | Jordarrian | AfterTech | Tardisputen

If Hippolytus is correct, Tardispaten and Jordarrian doesn’t have place in Random Blue Dragon.

Since massclaim is cut short since we focused on Hippolytus and basically wasted one trial, AfterTech and deadfrien basically need to claim their roles next day.

##Hippoltus was voted guilty he was the The Fool

He had journal [quote=“Hippolytus, post:12, topic:637”]


##no one can be voted for the next 2 days

##it is now night 4,all=48:00:00

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##Alfa is helping me run the game as a co gamermaster

##(Tmw Alfa Alfa isn’t invited to any pms, so they don’t know if anyone sent any last minute actions)

(Fade you should probably do that, or anyone else can do that too)

##jordarrian was killed last night by the The Possessor he was The Observer he left a journal.

##there will be no voting today because of the fool



I bet you thought I’d be dead!

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Also, I slept peacefully.

Although I would like to have a couple words with the Possessor - why would you not do something like control Frostwolf or yauaustin to kill Frostwolf or yauaustin203? That seems like a better play than Jord.

That’s repetitive - I meant to say to kill Frost or PKR