Forum Of Lies: 2nd Game (BD & Fool Win!)

Except Paladins can’t be occupied.

Not sure how I didn’t die then

Oh, because reasons.

If dead is noble why didn’t tardis mention earlier

Maybe Dead was converted tonight and tardis is starting cult who just set up a fakeclaim for both people

Also pretty sure that Possessor would be able to RB him, because he’d make him kill.

If Damafaud is converted that night otherwise, then Tardis is telling the truth

So Damafaud, I was asking you earlier to make Public Announcement to GM.

Part of the reason I dislike this game is how easy it is to confirm BD

WAY too easy

I gotta admit that was clever way for Damafaud to confirm themselves.

Almost every single BD role gets a free ticket to confirmation

BR helps with this, but Cult is just weak :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I give you guys points for trying.

##It was delayed a bit, but all your minds open up to hear a voice.

I am Damafaud who used my Vision on Jordarrian


Nerds indeed

In response to that, I was not told about Dead being noble in my original role card hand out after I replaced in. Fade forgot to tell me that in the first, and I did ask, were there any other nobles originally…


When I used my ability, that’s when Dead was confirmed to be noble. I believe it was a simple mod error

So I take you have made wonderful conversation, but what happened to your PA you’re suppose to deliver?

I think I got the ability wrong, so I ended up using Noble Alliance…


But that means that since I used that ability and that Dead was revealed to be a noble, it means that aftertech is now under suspicion