Forum Of Lies: 2nd Game (BD & Fool Win!)

Turn around to meet the gaze towards the man with glasses

Person with thick English accent is right about this, how are you certain there are murders invited to famous castle adiart?

“Indeed, that is serious. We will have to keep an eye on everyone. We have a king, but, that is all that we know for now. We must be watching out.”

The masked gentleman looked away, not wanting to talk too much to the others. Wanting to keep quiet for now at least

Murder our beloved king? Please, he could be the traitor for all we know.

“Anyone could be anyone. Some of us don’t even know eachother’s names!”

The man pulls the person in the mask back, and make him stare straight into his eye
“Look here. I do not care if you’re a noblemen or a mere assassin attempting to kill someone, i will be watching, and if there’s a single reason for me to think you’re conspiring against the kingdom, i will have executed for treason, so don’t think you can get away with that mysterious attitude.”

Walks into the halls everyone-everyone calm down

“And whom might you be?”

Holding the journal enclosed, Frostwolf goes towards the room

(roleplay reasons)

Just a humble servant of the king. I have come to take you all to your rooms

anyway, why would you all think anything bad is going to happen?

(No murder or anything bad has happened yet so please act the part)

“Are we allowed to customize our rooms?”

all has been made ready as you have requested I hope you all enjoy the stay at our castle

The man pushes his glasses up a bit, then look straight at the person who claims to be a servant of the king
“You! I have never seen you before! Where have you been serving the king? As a member of the kingdom’s royal group, why have i not seen you before!?”

I could say the same

The man who’s holding the journal earlier is now wielding arctic wolf-skin vest that has been inside the bagage brought along with the journal.

“I’m back! And what is this commotion about? Did I hear someone is royal?”

please everyone let me escort you to your rooms

Glares at the two, his nose twitching behind the shadows of the hood.
“Break it up, no need for there to be any fights on the first day. At least save it for when we don’t have to see all this commotion.”

“That is good to hear that everything has been prepared as I wanted. It is only natural to be worried and think of the worst when that man in the glasses talks about murder. My apologies, so called servant. Shall we go first? I believe that we can leave these other guests here for now. I’d like to get settled into this castle.”

The masked gentleman grinned, looking back, at the man in the glasses

“I’m glad to hear you’ll be keeping your eye out, however, there is no need to be concerned with me. I don’t know if I can trust you either. Why should we believe you? You’re talking about murder, when we have all gathered here. Doesn’t that suggest that you know more than you’re saying to us?”

as I said nothing wrong is going on neither will it happen. you are all here for your own reasons now let me escort you all to your rooms

“Right, I’m going back to my room.”

Arctic wolf-skin vest wearing man retreats back to the room by help of servant

“Ok, let’s all get taken to our rooms!”