Forum Of Lies: 2nd Game (BD & Fool Win!)

I just watched Season 2 Premier of House of Cards and I’m not sure this politicking life is for me shudders
.[quote=“Jordarrian, post:188, topic:536, full:true”]
I still don’t get why you say it’s a good idea to lynch the AFK people so early. I’m not gonna be as active, so are you gonna lynch me?

I dunno it was probably a bit impulsive sorry, I just thought if he hasn’t even confirmed it’s pretty unlikely he would play at all which is less fun for everyone. I didn’t realise Fade was still searching for a replacement so I retracted my vote. Sorry =_=.

He didn’t confirm with Fade in the time limit given, so he isn’t technically in the game, makes sense? ^.^

I misread your post, my apologies.

/vote Hippolytus

This is literally the exact opposite of what you did last game, and I don’t like that one bit.

You can’t vote just based on two posts Orange.

Yes I can, when the person in question sounds like somebody completely different from how they have previously. Almost like they have a different end goal.

Hmm. At least explain your reasoning.

Last game, he argued against nolynching but yet voted for a nolynch, taking a very passive stance.

This game he did the exact opposite, first voting for somebody and the apologizing profusely and saying that voting people is stupid, taking a very bipolar yet strong stance in both posts.

And since he was BD before, I can only assume he’s scum now.

Or he is a very clever Fool. If we vote him, we could risk losing excretions for two days.

Aside from that, the BD may not even be in this game, we could have a Cult instead.

BD - Blue Dragon

The good guys

Are you claiming non-BD?

That was a mistake.
I meant Black Rose.

But typed BD instead.

BD, BR, it’s easy to get those 2 confused when your not thinking/typing fast :wink:

What she said.

I’m very interested how night went for yauaustin202, the only ‘active’ participant hasn’t responded yet.

I get why you voted them.
However, what type of scum do you see them as?
Whenever people read, I’ve seen a lot of people doing things like:
(Strong town)
(Slight town)
(Slight Scum)
(Strong Scum)

Also please don’t just use those although it’ll be useful as it can show how confident you are. That + Scum role / alignment would be intriguing

The read is based off of two short posts. All I can get is that he’s acting completely differently, and I don’t like it.

You mean how he acted the opposite way he acted from before? Yes, that’s suspicious.

Hippo, why do you believe it’s a good idea to lynch inactives?

I slept peacefully. Honestly forgot about this game because i kinda tried to block out fade.