Forum Of Lies: 2nd Game (BD & Fool Win!)


  1. Why would Cult push for lynch on Posessor, especially when they have already lost someone. If I actually was Posessor and I was hung, that would pretty much be GG for the Blue Dragon, making it an incredibly stupid play of Orange who seems clever.

  2. Like I already claimed, I am princess and Arthenhur is Black Rose, so Tardispan was. In response to how it was scummy that I stopped if I knew he was evil, I stopped pushing as I did not want to draw attention to myself and get brutally and painfully murdered.

  3. Night 2 I DID visit Frostwolf like I said, contrary to Jordarian’s will. Therefore FMPOV:

Jordarian is either mercenary on an evil or fool
Jammy Splodge is actually Cult Leader
Orange was converted into being Cult
Tardispan was original random Cult
Aftertech is Posessor

How would Jord know his target is evil

Merc doesn’t know it’s targets role

Also explain Polik

Polik is dead


He died and flipped CL

Therefore there are at most 2 cultists

Meaning me, orange and tardis cannot possibly all be cult

Hippolytus, it’s not possible to have Black Rose and Cult in one game and both factions start with two members.

So if anyone have counterclaim to JammySplodge’s Random Neutral claim, do so now.

To explain Orangeandblack5’s Invoker role, he should be at least either Knight or Butler to begin with, which I already concluded.


Jammy Splodge is Posessor
Orange was converted
Tardispan was original cult and is now Cult Leader
Jord is still mercenary or neutral as he is lying
Aftertech also Blue Dragon

1: Trust me, it’s better than the alternative.

2: This is total BS. Nobody is that light on somebody they know to be scum. If you’d tried pushing him again today, maybe I’d believe this, but what kind of BDI finds confirmed scum and then doesn’t ever push for their lynch?

3: I’m not really sure where Jordarrian comes into this, but I know that all other things held constant I’m still incredibly sure you’re Possessor.

Your defense is entirely WIFOM against Jord, which doesn’t look good for you.

Also: sorry, your Cult analysis is way off, in multiple ways you may not expect. :wink:

What makes Jord Random Neutral as opposed to anything else?

Because he is not Cult as that is orange and tardis.

However he is clearly lying so he is either:

  1. Posessor
  2. Random Neutral

That would be the single dumbest move ever as the Posessor, so I assume he must be Random Neutral. As I am ANY, that makes you the real Posessor.

What makes TARDIS cult?

Oh you are right I didn’t think of that.

Okay, evils are:


I have no idea who is which evil, that is all I’m gonna say now. I guess that means Jammy CAN be random neutral as she claimed, with Jord as cult and Tardis as Possessor.

This, to be honest. I find no reason to think Tardis is a Cultist.

Oh look, you’re almost starting to make sense.


Tardis can’t be The Possessor because he’s in the spot of Arthenhur who is been AFK for all counted days until Day 3 being replaced by Tardis, which grosses him off the list as suspect.

JammySplodge claimed Mercenary and said I am the contract, but I never received “A mercenary has offered you a contract, do you accept?” message from the start of this game and also didn’t counterclaim Jordarrian’s Random neutral spot according to your scumread.

King - TheGamateers
Cult Leader - PolikShadowbliss
Random Cult - ??? - ???
Prince - PokemonRyanKid
Paladin - Yauaustin202
Blue Dragon Support - The Physician - Frostwolf
Blue Dragon Investigator - The Princess - QueenAlfa
Blue Dragon Social - The Psychic - Damafaud
Random Blue Dragon - The Noble - Arthenhur / tardispaten?
Random Blue Dragon - Court Wizard - Rogue
Random Blue Dragon - The Observer - Jordarrian?
Random Blue Dragon - Knight/Butler - Orangeandblack5
Posseessor - ???
Random Neutral - JammySplodge - claiming Mercenary
Any - ??? - deadfrien? | The Princess / The Fool / The Seeker / The Possessor - Hippolytus? | ??? - AfterTech?

Since Hippolytus, you are claiming to be ANY Princess which leaves deadfrien and AfterTech remaining, deadfrien can’t be Possessor but do have place for Random Cult.

If Jordarrian’s journey is correct and Hippolytus actually didn’t visit me Night 2 then that means he can’t be Possessor–but! He do claim for ANY slot as The Fool although if Tardispaten did mention he was occupied Night one, that would confirm him but apparently you did nothing.

However, Jordarrian could be former The Seeker turned Cult Leader and know about Hippolytus’s role and basically covering your real night actions.

umm, the starting contract is unaware that they have a Mercenary at the start of the game. its only new contracts that people get to know just in case everyone was confused