Forum Of Lies: 2nd Game (BD & Fool Win!)

The better question will be: Why hasn’t one of the nobles made their Public Announcement to The Prince and The King yet?

Game plan:
Vote possessor (After)
Jail tardispaten (Execute)
If innocent, vote Dead

/Vote AfterTech

By the way, Damafaud. Have you determined either Deadfrien or Tardispaten’s faction? That is if you haven’t used the second use already before this day?

Nada. I used both of my visions.

/Vote AfterTech

I am sure you can’t check yourself like that, did you?

Unless…JammySplodge was the original Random The Invoker, forcing you to use the ability on yourself?

I just had a thought. Dead could have been converted as well. Considering that I proved them as noble before and they confirmed me, yet I was told to do a public announcement, yet, they did not do it either…

We can’t rule out the fact that she could have been converted either

Damafaud can’t be converted for sure, how did your night went, Tardis?

Yes. I shall not deny this.
However, I’m more sceptical of you because I’d normally trust you too much if you get my gist.

Deadfrien is also less active in general, even by third game running at the moment.

I would hate to see third rule broken at worst possible moment, and dont get me started about ‘nothing to contribute’ excuse, PA should have made increasing the odds of 50% to 100% to find the converted noble.

But as I said, the best-case scenario is that Cult tried to convert Observer that failed by death caused by The Possessor.

As I said: Best scenario is often not the real one.
So, let’s just vote After. I’ll jailing tardis and executing. If it goes wrong, GJ scum. If it works, we could win.


Tardispaten. Your fate has been sealed, if you are indeed the Cult Leader.
Vote the possessor and help end this.
My thanks.
If you are not the cult leader, do not worry, as I can always stop the Cult after.
I don’t only have 1 execution maximum. So no need to worry

@TheGamateers @deadfrien we need 1 vote to end this.
Vote AfterTech. Please…
Just don’t make this last forever

I get it now, JammySplodge must have forced you to use Vision on yourself when Polik was still alive.

Ahem no, that’s one possibility. It wouldn’t make sense if you used your first vision on yourself Night 1 if it wasn’t JammySplodge since orangeandblack5 wasn’t converted until end of the night.

How many votes until im up on the stands. 3 so far…

One more is needed regardless, if @TheGamateers and @deadfrien were not so inactive the whole time.

Please After…
Self hammer…
If you’re BD, like I think you are, you shouldn’t be worried…

I can’t vote myself up, can i?

/facepalm no

/vote Aftertech

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We win, I think.
Well done dead. You played well.
GGWP all