Forum Of Lies: 2nd Game (BD & Fool Win!)


No Alfa Pls

Shoo! Out of the locked topic, sister



Cause 1. you’re dead. And 2. It’s locked no one is suppose to talk >:V



-pat- Okay, now run along


#-Kicks down door-

#Good morning peasants! It’s day 7~

##tardispaten was found dead in his room, he was killed by The Prince He was The Cult Leader

##He left no journal

##FadeBlade was found dead in his room, he was strangled by The Prince. His role was The Evil Game Master
##He left no journal

##We have a public announcement!

Yo, deadfrien the Noble here, confirming I am still a Noble.
Last night, the other supposed Noble, Tardispaten, did not turn up, and never confirmed that he got my message; he also didn’t use “Public Announcement”.
So, I’m pretty sure that Tardis is a Cult member, if not the leader

#Oh? Did you guys think it was over? Oh, my dear dear, pets! It’s not over yet~


/Vote TheGamateers


I am 100% sure no one else is converted by that point, deadfrien confirmed himself and Damafaud can still make use of PA in day, but I need no further proof of Damafaud which I am very sure she’s still legit.

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What the…
Why is this not over?
/Vote TheGamateers
Oh well… Evil King or not, I shall deal with you.

I’m sorry dear tardis…
I had to let you go because of one of the other leaders corrupting you.
It is a shame to lose a noble :frowning:

If Gamateers was Neutral King, that should have been over.

If not…

Jailing Dama JIC?

I don’t think so, PKR. When you forced to jail yourself right after The Fool got executed (We understimated the cult and we almost paid the heavy price for trusting Orangeandblack5 alive), that was the last opportunity to convert someone which that last person being converted has to be Tardispaten.

Because remember, the one time you tried to execute AfterTech the Possessor, The Cult decided to attack The Paladin rather than convert.

Yes, I know.
That’s why I’m saying, we vote the King.
I jail Dama, but, I cannot execute anyway, so it’ll roleblock them.
You and Dead are confirmed.
All that’s left is our King and Dama

You know I can confirm myself by making a public announcement, right?

/Vote The Gamateers

#A majority have been hit and @TheGamateers is on the stand

#Give a defence pls

Awkward silent