Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I meant to like sleep two hours ago

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Whatā€™s the meaning of the two names in brackets?

Iā€™d like the same thing with Eevee/Magnus, at least Chem is now actually posting decently.

We canā€™t just rely on mechanics as thereā€™s not enough investigatives to go around to clear all of the nonposting slots.

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Chemā€™s recent postings moved his slot up for me.

Would kill Wazza/Eevee/Derps today.

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Ignoring those slots Insanity because of the entire bleed, Derp because literally just a waste of time

I meant more of todays pressure POE Iā€™m down with yeeting derps

Thatā€™s definitely understandable.

We would just be stuck in a endless loop of ā€œpost contentā€

Yeah Iā€™m actually going to be sad if 2/3 of these flip town.

pretty sure 2/3 of them do flip Town and I have no clue what either of the other 2 are.

hello wazza

Oh hey Wazza, youā€™re just in time.
What are views on the game state so far?

Then who are the wolves?

Welcome to the thread again Wazza.

no clue, only skimmed because Iā€™m playing Among Us rn.

why are you asking me this literally less than a day into D2, I have no clue, donā€™t ask me lol.

Well, who between eevee/derps do you think is town, because obviously youā€™re going to count yourself in the two?

I donā€™t know, Iā€™m just saying I really doubt we found 2/3 of the wolves in the inactives, itā€™s just debatable.

This question was directed at Derps fyi.

If youā€™re BD, then your wincon is to eliminated the Unseen/Cult and the NK.

Who are the Unseen/Cult and the NK?


[idk if thisā€™ll look right lol]