Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!



hang on lemme check quickly

oh yeah this was 2141# and I was going to vote you here but I Obviously wanted to push you before you called me scummy

oh no

thatā€™s sad :crying_cat_face:

So your entire point is invalid?

Can you try now instead of clearly Omgusing thanks that would be awesome maybe you could make reads and stuff now and help town win?

stop talking down to me

Itā€™s fine if you want to argue back I could see it as a misunderstanding but it feels like you point no actual research into your read and it comes baseless?

This isnā€™t talking down to me?

I felt like you just felt like I was randomly pushing you and I was being stupid. So I came in aggressive.

Trust me if your town I donā€™t want to shut you down. I want you to make reads and actually do something to help progress the game.

youā€™re ignoring literally everything iā€™m doing

I get it

Literally not.

I was gonna let this argument continue, but when I got back on, ended up being another rabbit hole to dig into.

Itā€™s true you are Someone will scumread you and you just say OMG DO SOMETHING UR NOT DOING ANYTHINGā€

Good morning everyone, I have some thoughts. Mist, Soul, itā€™s alright to take a break for a bit if this is getting too heated. Also, PKR, I would like to request again that if you do use Allies, donā€™t do it on me again.


@Soulshade55r @Mistyxā€¦ hi, I am going to say this one time, politelyā€¦ shut, the fuck, up.

because the entire scum read makes no sense and is based off me Omgusing when I already was scum reading them

Iā€™m csing soul tonight

uh ok then damn.

That dosent change my point that youā€™re ignoring anything anyone does because when someone including me scumreads you all you do is screech for us to do something lmfao