Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Kill me now if we live in a world where prince didn’t jail

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If the jailed person outs, we can reasonably clear them as two scum kills most likely happened last night.

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prince if you didn’t jail i swear to god it’s a repeat of the fuckin trees

You can’t pressure me, especially when I feel like crap

From what I saw with your post you said 1v3, which could be seen as TMI because in an unseen game the scum team caps at 3. I should try to read you and derps, but what you posted could be seen as tmi

I never thought I would see the day where you basically say something I said.
But ehhh, fine.

I did genuinely say in my ally chat that Seth felt off and if I go for that bit being a slip… then it all makes sense.

For what it’s worth, I hope you feel better soon gorta I didn’t mean to try and insult you, and I’d already hopped off the wagon.

surge is town

yes i already said that

it’s not a slip slips are fake

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Sorry for my inactivity today, guys! I’m not at home, and probably won’t be for a couple more hours, but I’ll try to catch up then.

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It’s alright, I hope you have a fun day!

Anyone here right now? It’s fine if not, just curious.

I am but will be only semi active

Wait Cult can have more then 3?

If that’s the case then They should convert me it’s even more beneficial for NK to want to get rid of them.
If I remember correctly Mastermind Bleds but does CL? Let me check.

Ok so I checked turns out I’m wrong on some things.
Mastermind doesn’t bled only their Assassin does and they are limited to 3 bleeds per game.
The CL can only bleed once per game.

So to answer my own question yes, both factions can cause someone to bled.

Pretty sure Acolyte can also bleed

Fine, I will ask it finally.

Soul what are ypu actually ddoing right now?

Who are you voting and why to begin with?

I believe they’re currently voting Derps at the moment, though I am not soul.

Oh wait I think that’s what I was actually reading lol.

Ok yeah it still applies.
Both have a 1-shot Bleed.