Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I think it can go either way it’s not directly bad or good

Make a cw

Push someone else

No cw bad

I want to think you are town and actually this kind of reminds me of when I tried to get information out of you as scum in ToS2. This is just town isn’t it?

I’m not getting stuff you can get on your own for you

And you wonder why your being pushed

How is that wolf AI lmfao

Gorta just said it’s something I did as town

your basically saying I’ll not defend myself go figure it out yourself

I’m not going to go find games for him when he can do it himself

To explain I made a bs case on derps because his claim was legitimately bad and asked for him to quote those initial posts for me and or counter my claim. He didn’t and insisted I do it myself, so this makes me think this is town Derps. It made it easier to push him and I still feel bad for that push, but Derps was town that game.

Wagon atnoname with me

Regardless I am going to take a break

Wait wagon atnoname first

I could see Atno flip scum but they are null for me

They are the only person I could see flip scum that’s a “high d1 poster”

Sounds like something scum would say abkut a teammate

If you think they can flip scum vote them

Speak of the devil

back from sleep and I could still see Derps trying to push me based off of a guess that was obviously wrong.

I think you can flip scum so I’m voting you owo

i came into this looking for a wolfread and found one
