Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Well, because I am dying tomorrow, I am going to out my class.

(I doubt that a Mind Flayer has spawned anyway.)

I claim The Drunk.

So N1, I no actioned, because I really do not wanted to mess up Town’s result.

N2, I debauched AtNoName into me, because I thought that he might be the scum from the CFD of last day. But since he was apparently jailed, and night kill still happened, so I guess he wasn’t the assassin. But still, AtNoName could still be the scum here.

I believe this.
Magnus was a scum CFD because they realized Derps was Neut and didn’t wanna lose em.

Who says it’s Unseen?
I think it’s Cult due to the lack of Bleeding.

Just means ATNoName isn’t CL which is good for me. :upside_down_face:

Another name off the list of possible CL’s.

Oh let’s just say I’m already way ahead of you Soul.
You might say I have a secret perfect Solve since day 1.

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My concern is if Rune is Demon.

That Concerns me.

I’m back for a bit, reading up now.

Wanna give a 2 paragraph essay on your read on ATNoName?

In other words Rune is not NK if the NK isn’t demon, yet if the NK we have is Demon then Rune might be worth taking a second look at.

Do you wanna be lynched before or after the king?

How about I don’t get lynched at all.

I’ve said this before but I think Rune isn’t scum for reasons

If you were referring to me, I’d be happy to ISO them again when I get home.

Spicy takes, but I don’t think we should do that.

Your most likely CL so I’m just asking if you value yourself or evil king more

Can’t wait to see it!
I’ll be sure to be very Happy about it! :grin:

Then how about you give your read on ATNoName and Paradox.

Jail CRichard tonight.
If their CL they can’t attack/convert I don’t think.

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Do we even know what group scum has spawned?
All I know is that I’m not group scum/NK.
I still read Paradox and NoName as town leans.