Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Oh wait just looked.
I’m fine lol.

Tell yeah the little secret Day 4.

Goodnight everyone, I’ll see you all in the morning.

This is the derps M.O and why I think he (sadly) flips town

because town derps would make a play like this no matter how crappy it is

Could you hardclaim for us?

I do hope you’re wrong here as Derps appears to be having an appointment with the Prince N3.

Do something like I swear you do more as town I get you have school and stuff but literally pointless

Push wazza until he does something then we can question the other poe (guess we need to multi task)

I’m fine with /vote Wazza as an incentive to get them to cooperate.
If they’re scum and we yeet them, good for town.

I’m not gonna be doing anything so you’ll just be yeeting town but idc really.

Like I know wazza is normally lazy but not stupidly lazy and does nothing by d3

I’ve been trying to get 100 pages of work done by today.

can you stop signing up to games that you aren’t going to be doing anything in

That’s on you for not playing a game you signed up for if you are town.

Sick of this dumb mentality

Seriously if this is another town we yeet, my hair is going to start disappearing.


Sadly I do think wazza has a high chance flipping town here

May I ask why I’m your chosen inactive here and not forsay others?

Pressure on the slot can be good

Literally the entire game is summed up by

I’m afk not going to contribute ty

May I ask why do you even bother do you enjoy being a wasted slot

Don’t you normally at least do something as town

then why did you choose me?

that doesn’t answer my question.

I can’t replace out lol