Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

because you aren’t playing town I’m pushing you to do something

just like claim or wtf whatever at this point

It’s great to have untouchable unreadable players that are always on the topic of misslyching because they sign up to games on top of people borderline throwing by claiming prince

Quit complaining.

People have lives.

You’re saying this like I expected to have a pile of fucking work on me when this game started or the fact that I’ve got school now and shit.

spend 20 minutes a day or something don’t get mad :slight_smile:

can you use this time for something important instead of life is busy

nah, I was going to but then you’re just a dick in every single game I’ve seen you in.

This is really tiring likely better to push someone else at this point wazza hasn’t really done anything but I dunno they are a coin toss at this point

I guess I could see them flip scum here and that’s why weird night kills have been happeneing

ok thanks

that’s not how this works as I’ve literally stated I’ve read the thread more than once.

That may be so, yet it doesn’t make them wrong.

I’m just not posting as there’s nothing for me to post for.

I see no reason for me to state my thoughts in the thread.
I see no reason for me to defend myself when you aren’t pushing on players more inactive than me.
And I see no reason to continue this conversation and try when people like you are just dicks all the time.

doesn’t feel like it to me but prove me wrong when you can



NGL kinda wish I was scum here because it would be hella ez

Yeah this is another game where I wish this were my 2nd scum game on this website.

At this point I think we need to start punishing people who don’t play game they sign up by making them policy lynches until they stop that.
Time to stop playing with this anti-town nonsense and start coming down hard on them.

I mean. You’re expecting me to talk when there’s literally nothing for me to talk about apart from my ‘reads’.

You shouldn’t want my reads if you have your own.

Literally when soulshade the player known for medium posting and semi bothering is trying to lead you know something is wrong. /._./

I guess I just wanted to lead in nature of my class but this entire game has been “lol ok not going to do anything HF” Push them someone comes along “noooo you can’t push that they do it nothing”

anyway we aren’t getting anywhere use wazza as a quick lynch if we need to /Unvote

Wazzas not going to do or give us anything today this is worse for information then literally pushing derps