Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

As in, Derps pretty much always flips W here FMPoV.

Thatā€™s still not an answer to my question.

Yes, weā€™re literally at 4v8 or 5v7 depending if PKR is evil or not.

Wolves havenā€™t missed their kills nor crosskilled both nights, and we MLā€™d d2 when Derps was literally openwolfing then.

We need a target that will 100% flip W for the Prince to kill.

Hell, absolute worst-case Scenario with a SS, a Fool, and an EK we already lost at 7v6.

We literally canā€™t afford to squander KP right now because of the atrocity that was D2.

Thatā€™s still not an answer.

Who is more likely to hit scum on theirs own?

Prince who is 100% town
Or lynch, which has 35% scum or more as you noticed.

Prince who has claims from n2 jail, mystic link, king chat (assuming mystic passed him claims from king chat, which is kindaā€¦ logical).
Or town who knows only who claims mystic and Insanity claiming a dying drunk?

I will ask last time.
Which of those is more likely to hit scum?

AT was jailed and two kills still happened.


If youā€™re V then donā€™t HH him.

Derps is prob NK, get rid of em first.

Whatā€™s HH?

Happy Hour Iā€™d say.

You have a point as weā€™ll be effectively forcing Derps to be bussed here. Though for your plan to work youā€™d have to expect the Prince to actually do their job and kill a wolfread, whoā€™d flip wolf.

Thatā€™s weirdly accurate.

And not relevant at all to the discussion which we were having.

Do you not want to know why Derps should be lynched today?

I donā€™t exactly have much faith that the Prince wonā€™t refuse killing anyone whoā€™s not 100% a wolf because people on this site are either idiotically reckless with their KP or ridiculously hesitant to use it. The player that Iā€™m reading as Prince falls in the latter.

Watch Insanity be Prince

Stop it.

Iā€™m expecting town with information to do better than uninformed mass with evils mixed up in middle of them.


Prince also doesnā€™t HAVE TO kill, it obviously depends on claim and discussion at night, but in general is having way better shot in at least jailing scum, if not killing one if we actually let them act on theirs own.

Oh yes I would know as a co host of Wild West FM.
What a horrendous town game that was.

Not Peko any more as my avatar. Itā€™s Mahiru now.

Yeah this is why I hard trust rune

prince would be dead n2 :wink: