Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Eevee got murdered mid scentance


I have to go back to work now tho so pce

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of the People of the Adiart versus SirDerpsALot.

Iā€™m public defender of the case, ready for the defense.

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Because I want to make a big move so that I can make up for the Wild West game.
That is all I feel I can do.

Like, I have the class of like, I just have to lead whatever faction I am and do it well without having like any investigative or killing or support or social abilities. All I have are my allies, my GT, my guards and my SF.

My king and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: under the law my client is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

During this trial, you will hear no real evidence against my client. You will come to know the truth: that SirDerps was acting to improve chances of Blue Dragon winning against theirā€™s rebels, reaching even for most drastic measures known for him.
Hiwever, drastic measures donā€™t mean he is a rebel himself. The goal which he had in his mind when acting is deciding.

My king, ladies and gentelman, today I will prove that my client is not guilty.

Very well, you may state your case.

This ought to be interesting

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I have to admit eeveeā€™s effort is admirable, though I donā€™t think Derps is leaving this court alive.

Very well, do you wish to join me as prosecution distroct attorney on our travel through SirDerps itentions?

Can we not waste this next 24 hours?

I actually want to look at a few slots in a few hours

Sure, USA law is overrated anyway.

Doesnā€™t change the fact that I want to see one of Derps ā€œprosecutorsā€ to actually try using theirs arguments against something better than ā€œgamer playā€.

Seems like Iā€™ve arrived just in time for the show. Iā€™m incredibly interested to see how this plays out.

Something I can agree with.

Your right @CRichard564

So since there is no other Derps voters around, how about you take the place and explain the case on him?

The faster we will start the discussion, the faster we will end after all.

oh lit yā€™all are gonna go all ace attorney on us
We definitely canā€™t waste the day we have left though, a stagnant thread only helps the wolves here.

Hello Eevee I am here now

The defendant has arrived, the proceedings may now begin.

Paragon is one of the people pushing me he can be prosecutor @eevee