Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

And frankly I want to hear why you’re actually TR’ing Derps.

All you’re saying is that Derps’ gambit doesn’t make him lockscum as since he’s a hardcore pepega that he could do that as town. I’m TR’ing most other players here and there is no form of villagery thought from Derps so far and I wanted him dead even before he pulled this stunt.

I don’t think it was Soul that replaced out.

Continuing the discussion from Forum of Lies 30 - Day 3 (13/18):

So, somebody who was disconnected with gamethread finally started to step up and do something. I don’t think Derps should live after what he has done over the game.

Ok buddy, I know you suspect me of being scum here, but that is a big assumption you are making here. Let’s say I was actually MM in which I am not, you are currently assuming I didn’t pull off the N1 convert.

Your not MM your CL.

CL converts.

…If AT is a converter he’s the MM.

If he were CL then we’d be seeing a kill missing last night.

Derps is Neut.
I don’t know what Neut but he Neut.

I only picked MM here because thats what everyone suspects me of so far.

Can’t other members kill?

No they can not unless the night kill was bleeding in which they would’ve called it out eariler

Yep I’m right.

If RC is Apostle they can use this:
** Mithras’s Puppetry (Night) - Use target dead Blue Dragon Non-Killer’s infinite use ability on an alive player. You will only be seen visiting the alive one. You may not use the same corpse more than once - 2 uses**

Wait NM it says non killer im dumb


Imagine how much deaths there were if converts that can kill on their own?

However ATNoName could have used the following as CL:
** Transfer Essence (Day) - Swap classes with another member at the cult at the start of the night, provided both of you are alive by that point. - 1 Use (shared)**

Hey scum I mean Insanity

I will just HH him tonight, so no worries if you really want me to do that.

Sure but by PoE you or Eevee is ATNoName’s Buddy. While Paradox is the Convert.

Welp that would mean that I’m just random cult if I am a CL