Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!


Vote Count

Accused Voters Vote Count
eevee Insanity 1/7
SirDerpsALot Surge, RuneScimitar, Soulshade55r, Light 4/7
CRichard564 ATNoName 1/7
ATNoName PokemonKidRyan, SirDerpsAlot, CRichard564 3/7
Not Voting Wazza, Paradox, eevee, an_gorta_pratai 4
Ping hosts if VC is incorrect, won’t have time to correct it.


No don’t!
I got ATNoName tonight! Don’t vote him!

Hell be dead

Get the NK, I need the NK dead.

Guard me if you can PKR

So you are a neutral

Find I’ll soft/hard Claim as it’s not hard to figure out what I am by PoE.
Didn’t want to claim till after I shot but I’m killing Both ATNoName and Paradox tonight.

Thus why I want ATNoName jailed so cult doesn’t RB me and RB’s prince instead while he is trying to execute.

But knowing all of y’all you are probably going to commit what you did with Magnus so you leave me no choice but to claim.

I’m probably going to be RB’ed or Killed now so I hope to have protection from one or both of that.

I don’t buy it

Course you don’t.
Your NK.

Wanna Open wolf and claim what NK you are?

And brag about how you killed them?

I wish I could

Claiming prince like that wouldn’t make sense as NK tho

Yes it would lol

GTG to work now, cya all in 8 hours.


Welp, reading the thread and I’m pretty sure Vulgard just proved that Wazza was an inactive town.

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