Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!



you got her




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I’m pretty obvious when I’m alting. I have a highly distinct posting style.

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you basically confessed this game though

Also, I’m kind of curious on who’s Paradox.

Look, I just wanted Gorta to do anything and they still did very little.
When Gorta flipped prince I basically though “Fuck everything this game”

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I was guessed as Arete and I have never felt more flattered.

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Anyway next game after this is the Anon SFoL game.

i had a small breakdown that alices first post this game was “im an alt” and then she proceeded to be super obvious

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Any guesses?

Tbh, both you and them use they/them pronouns and Arete’s the only one on this site that uses them.

…no idea, tbh.

we were all pogging in spec chat

I thought you were Mercenary tbh

Can I see it?

at least half of those were me and you spamming bastard sword

I’d love to see the spec chat honestly. Wow, I guess I was nowhere near as obvious as I thought I was then.

about half of those mentions are



oh uh
something something i have no objections to spec chat reveal

spec chat link

not sure if scum chat will be public or not

small chance geyde deletes spec/scum chat because geyde is an awful person