Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

I’ve been guessed as TBE, Arete, Mercenary, and Zone. I do not know how to feel about this.



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I was a bit insulted by that, I wouldn’t ban-evade via alt.

Okay are you appelsiini

Let’s add appel to the list!

i tried convincing marshal that paradox was astand

that was fun

imagine killing me n2 ever

Reveal incoming, this will be fun.

paradox is me


You are a good player, I am not too surprised honestly.

Paradox was actually meeeeeee


Any final guesses?

Throws a dart at the member base

Eevee because sure

eevee playing and alting in the same game

i could see it

Eevee played actually…wow I’m shocked that was a guess.

spec chat kinda knew who you were

i spent most of d2 after i subbed in refusing to read the thread and yelling at soul

and i still got shot

I could see it but I also like missed it lol

I figured, I was obvious.

Oh hey there.