Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

why tho



geyde wonā€™t be able to sleep tonight
not out of guilt
but because he knows thereā€™s going to be at least five assassins after him now

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Congrats to Alice
Not that I think they particularly want my grats since I deleted everything but

fwiw they deserved that win

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real talk though this is a fair bit beyond ā€œa dick moveā€, youā€™re just being a bitch


join vc to know how few shits I give about some people being salty

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ā€œI am toxic for your own goodā€ incoming :kappa:

toxic forumer


Geyde bad for killing chats

But also I like potential FoL changes so :shrug:

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I donā€™t do it out of malice
I do it out of moral obligation

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scum chat was god tier we were memeing hardcore

imagine being scum
this was brought to you by people who didnā€™t do anything in the sign-up thread nor spectated

One does not simply outmeme joycrab haven

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if it makes you feel better

the memes in scumchat were pretty below average from my experience

granted, i usually up the meme count of any scumchat tenfold by my existence alone

why delete chat


because no vanity searches for you

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me: geyde why did you delete scum/spec chat
geyde: because it was funny
me: fuck you

im not laaaaaaughinggggggggggg

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This also aged well.

You see itā€™s 10x more likely for that to happen if me and kyo arenā€™t hosting