Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

twas i
pretty paradoxical if i say so

You were Paradox? O :

Indeed I was, though my inexperience was fairly obvious.

Nice, it was actually quite enjoyable playing with you.

You probably shouldnā€™t out yourself as an alt tho

Fun fact: I got redirected to converting you XD

thanks my dude, you as well

ha gotā€™em

Hold on, can like Light or NoName tell me why they even killed me

there are two worlds

  1. alice cannot qualify because neutral killers are without a team, and thus cannot have teamwork
  2. alice is both the top teamwork player in scum and town because she actively worked to defeat both sideā€™s enemies
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uhhh, you should probably ask light since he switched to you last second

iā€™d like to know that too tbh

Also where is scumchat link
I need to vanity search

scumchat got fucking deleted :slight_smile:

geyde deleted it cause heā€™s a shitnugget


: |

b r u h m o m e n t

petition for cohosts of Geyde games to step up and make all private chats


Now I will never know why I was randomly killed :sob:

you know you could have just asked Light on why he killed youā€¦