Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

it can’t have helped i kept pushing him, i wasn’t even sure you were town myself tbh i thought you were Missionary

Would have been a godlike sellsword play

Thing bothered me to most was you claiming Prince last hour when he couldn’t jail

that’s what got me too i was like…oh god why this late
was i panicking on my last minute vote yes i was

Because the system is wack

because democracy doesn’t work

Ummmm, wow, so now I’m President, right? That’s what I was told the votes would be for… :grinning:

Earlier I saw the notification for this flash by and was shocked and had to check. I’ve been busy this morning with some unexpected bad news concerning my family, so this was a welcome bit of unexpected positive news.

While I sincerely appreciate those who voted for me, I really don’t feel it’s all that deserved. It was just by sheer luck that my action hit the right target. It took the work and solving of others to then put everything in place. My personal vote was for Soul. He was the one to actually recommend Paradox as the target. There are certainly others deserving as well.

However, the vote is done and I won’t disrespect the gesture. Thank you again. :slight_smile: I can only hope to someday improve enough to actually deserve the award by truly being a key part in helping town win. :slight_smile:


i mean they destroyed the unseen’s enemy for them
that’s quite the teamwork

I voted Soul as well.
Not to mention he was the only one that actually played Mechanically Correct.

Other then you but you were dead for most of the game.

Same with Mist and Intensify.

Okay I didn’t read any of this game

But how the fuck did a NK just win “best team player”


Excuse me what

Only proves no one cares/understands what team award means.
I still dont either, so not surprising.

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Only thing I feel about is that I managed to read all the scum except for Alice.

Vote for strong player who won.


I voted for Troch for Scum Teamplayer Award because Alice was NK.
But I did say Alice seriously deserves commendation for the plays too.

I voted for Soul for Town Teamplayer because like, we bounced off each other well and Whys despite doing amazingly just did not live long enough.


(actually I have no clue who paradox is but hey)


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