Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

that’s an mvp vote. ergo, not what we wanted when the award was established.

independent neutrals are just exempt from team awards by default, or should be. kinda sucks that your rand prevents you from receiving an award from the start of the game, but honestly, i don’t think anyone cares enough to be affected negatively by that.

but i am one person and i command a team of joycats

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disqualifying 3ps automatically was actually proposed and rejected on the grounds that ‘PKR in FoL 29 was a team player’

but … I sort of figured when we did that that people wouldn’t vote for the literal NK

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They were pushing on town and defending scum, Unseen MVP.


it’s different because fool can (and most of the time, will) win with wolves, while neutral killer… can’t.
nk by definition can’t play like a team player because it’s against their wincon. they have to create a situation where they are going to win solo.

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solution is to add a neutral killer teamplay award for the best NK in each game


tfw you have no team and literally win a team player award

it’s not even like the unseen all sucked I think you could vote most of them justifiably

and any of them would be better than the fucking NK because they at least have a team

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this looks like fun


how can i message mod?

What do you want to message a mod for?

i want to join that game but i cant message I’m guessing you refer to this game.

You might need certain privileges unlocked first. Mods can provide those.


Also welcome! :slight_smile:

If not, you can go to your profile and get into new message. @SmoothBrainPepega


Why did NK automatically win?

thats how mafia works

part of their wincon. depending on the type of NK, if they reach final X people alive, they win by default.

If they lived to F4, they would automatically win.

And since they used Haemophilia, there was nothing that could prevent them from reaching F4.