Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Can we keep things civil please? I understand arguments happen in these games but this is starting to be a bit much.

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I still town read Rune because theyā€™re asking for people to participate in the thread which is a pro town move.
Soul on the other hand is there making posts, though I donā€™t see how theyā€™re helping town solve.
Not saying theyā€™re lock scum, though I donā€™t have a good impression of their slot so far.

Yeah, Iā€™m actually seeing your point on Rune. I also see him giving lots of good advice also on how to solve and whatā€™s best to do.

Iā€™m willing to reevaluate a Soul read later in the day once theyā€™ve posted their comprehensive readlist, though I do have Rune high up in my TRs so far.

And yes, as for Soul, I also donā€™t find his posts helpful. And I donā€™t necessarily agree that he should be put in allies just for requesting it. He hasnā€™t made a case for why he should be in there. So unless he soft claims some role that would be helpful, his posts themselves donā€™t show that heā€™s valuable as an ally.

dude, calm the fuck down, both of you.


Yeah, no. People should not claim this early.


But I still think heā€™s just town being silly

I canā€™t believe Iā€™m the one who has to tell yā€™all not to be toxic.

being toxic is ungamer and being ungamer is not cool


Weā€™ve already been through the claim discussion, and my point still stands here.

TL;DR - Soul needs to start acting like a villa if he is one, or die.

You joined the game now play it @Soulshade55r.

I donā€™t give a shit what you are or what your plans are this game but play.
Donā€™t get pissed at people for not wanting to play D1.

Itā€™s D1.

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Rune and Soul, if you two are still at it please step away from the screen.
If we can go through this game without anyone punished, that would be great.

Which is an important part of FM.
This isnā€™t ToL where we can fully rely on solving the game by claims alone.

This mentality is one of the biggest reasons town has such a piss-poor winrate on this site.

If you donā€™t play d1, you get put in the PoE d2 regardless of your alignment, and that just makes it piss-easy for wolves to push mislynches.

Doesnā€™t come across in slight as townie just comes across as ā€œmake fucking reads or dieā€ News flash thats not how you get players working together thatā€™s not how you get actual reads.

My point Iā€™m trying to make is that I find it very unnatural you should let players make reads and come to their own I understand we do need to look at POE but Iā€™d actually say itā€™s healthy to leave players late d1 for more organic reads.

Oh yeah because Iā€™m one of the people who said one thing and said one thing ngl I havenā€™t done that much yet but seriously itā€™s 4am I want to relax for a bit and go to bed.

Rune I agree with you that D1 is important.
Iā€™d rather you donā€™t get punished by the mods by not saying something to Soul you canā€™t take back.
Soul if youā€™re town, you need to play your part in helping town win as thatā€™s your win condition.

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Youā€™re free to go to bed. No oneā€™s forcing you to stay up 24/7 playing FoL.

I think an earlier quote of mine applies here.