Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

If you’re asking me, then that’ll break the alt rule, so I can’t.

Ehhhh, my last town game was long long time ago, if you didn’t count this one :thinking:

So should I just said that “I think Chaos_Coffee is a slight scum for me because he just went into the thread, post 4 very awkward post, and then dipped”?

No I was reffering to Insanity since all I can remember from them is their scumgame from SFOL 63

You have 60+ posts and that’s literally the only read-related post you’ve made, and in addition you haven’t even followed that post up with anything. Stop expecting to be put out of the PoE just by existing as both alignments can do that with ease.

I seriously can’t remember the last town game that I have played.

You can’t clear someone from fluffposts alone. To be considered as towny, you have to at least attempt reads, and give reasoning behind them. I would like to get a list from you soon Insanity when you’re able.

No can do until people actually posted more so I can give a solid read on them.


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don’t mind me

…yeah, I call BS on this one.

There are ~830 posts so far so you should at least get something more than that read on a 4-poster.

Okay, I confess that I am lazy then .-.

I’m minding you as well, don’t worry. Though you do have a readlist already, which helps.

Well are you a wolf?
If your not then don’t act like one or at least the Wolf others believe you to be.
If your Town you need to show it.
But if your wolf Vote Yourself

Nice quote :slight_smile:

I am too but I’m still solvin.
How about I give you something easy.
Read my entire ISO and give me your read on me with quoting at least 1 of my posts in the process.

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Don’t quote that one, that’s cheating

Slank cover.


This seems somewhat forced, but it is a response toward a meme, so no comment on that.

Well, somewhat trying on whiteknighting for Chaos Coffee when all of their post could’ve been read in like…5 min or so?

Fake quoting, noice.

Well, I would say slight scum on my gut, but for now, null.

CRIch's ISO beep boop

That’s a fair read I guess… but I expect Soul to do this kinda of stuff.

I would disagree with this, they felt more solvey to me in SFOL 63 imo/

Good post

Insanity is Insane
I am Intense
I don’t see what’s so hard


Gorta read is kinda meh tbh… they only have 3 posts and 2 of them are one-liners, but I won’t blame people for making quick reads when we can['t even vote day 1

They’re focused, that’s good.

That was like my first and half game tho.

First part of this post is kinda susp ngl, there’s a lot of things wrong with this theory that we’ve discussed. The second part redeems it tho.

Rune makes sense I guess
Paradox yes
No Name sure, tho I’m not convinced on their slot yet
L1ght meh, they’ve been fluffposting for a while and I don’t think they’re high priority for scum.
I would advise investing Soul, I’m fairly confident they’re town
Insanity we can see
Derps depends
Investing me is fine since I’m gonna get cleared then when that greencheck appears

Conclusion: Townread
CRich’s ISO is not too bad really. There’s not a lot of posts that make me think that he is scum, nor are there any spicey posts. However, I am also attributing this townread towards the fact that they have a very good tone, on track for the game and clearly trying to win as town here. If they survive too long and our flips keep turning up as townie… then I’m gonna have to re-eval this slot. Other than that, good Ally candidate.

Reason of being null is because scum!seth would be much less meme than town!seth, yet their opening is still a little bit meh.

Still need to read more about him as time goes on.