Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Nah, it was a response to CRich.

Now that Chaos is playing I’m actually able to clear him as he pretty much obvtown’d himself from the get-go.

Can you give reasons I actually want to know why or is it just based on them wanting to make players make reads?

I’m glad this slot is able to be discussed more clearly now. And don’t worry Chaos, everyone started at some point!

The only impression I got from your post is that
Rune = Active
Active = Good.

I could be misinterpreting it though

Yeah apologies I thought d1 was for memeing like in ToS/ToL ,no one was talking about anything game related so

…have you even read my posts or have you just took a look at my post count?

Does post count matter

Answer my question.

No it doesn’t I don’t think in a robotic way of you post a lot must be good

In general D1 contains more memes/fluff than anything else, hell look at my early posts I was memeing quite a bit as well.

My read on Rune is based on how they approach the game. I detect towny motivation from their play so far D1.
Tonally they’re fine and I don’t see anything wrong with their slot.

No I haven’t read all your posts but I have a good amout of interaction with you and reading based of richard said about you.

you have 100+ posts from when I was checking richards pins

Duh, my wolfing’s at the level where I could easily post with this level of volume as well.

Personally don’t think that merits town core but I’m fine with this explanation for now.

What is your towncore?

are you joking literally give me a chance I just posted reads based off richard I’m not going to bullshit a random town core

You should be forming a towncore as you read.

Am i right in saying time zones have a lot to do whether players post or not (the flags by someone’s name) or are those just obscurity?

Also can you change night actions?

Time zones can affect when people post, true. Flags generally indicate nationality here. And yes, you can change night actions up to a certain point.

Why I’m Isos diving players owo.

If you actually bothered to do something other then trying to force reads out of people d1 maybe you’d actually have decent reasoning.

Stop hunting for day 1 reads let players interact it’s not town motivated just to say “x make reads, x make reads” It actually calls in to question if you want reads or players to interact with each other d1/d2 or you just want to seem like your “pushing players”