Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

TBH if i was newbie unseen id just ask the other dude for guidance

The host(s) seems like a reasonable person who wouldn’t give NK to a new player :smiley:

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Coffee might sound hard but do you know how to make reads or comment on what others have been saying ect. If not it’s totally fine keep in mind socially reading someone is generally our strongest form of information here

Theres a lot of posts and like half of them are “shit posts” so idrk… Sorry

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I will say i think theres meant to be 18 players right? a lot of them havent spoken or i havent seen speak

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That’s fine I’ll try to help you keep in mind trying to be active looking at what players say does generally help you, I’d start to look at low posters they generally will seem the easiest for a new player to read/push

And my guess is this is one game where u dont want to be silent sheriff/prince etc.

if you go to the top you can see post counts and check pins

It’s under the infomation about the game :slight_smile:

You definitely didn’t want to stay silent, both as a town and as a scum.

Silent town means that people will probably mis-execute you later on and you won’t be able to contribute to finding other scum member and stuff.

Silent scum means that people will also probably just execute you later on, and you miss out some opportunities to misdirect or confuse towns.


A new magnus not early claiming I like it but am kinda scared of this new magnus :stuck_out_tongue:

Interested in claims

meh bit of both doesn’t hurt you can focus on low posters easuer anyway.

Currently null and fluffy ez day 2 POE

So SirDerpsALot has said very little and most of it is shitpost , one message says “why Am i not in PoE”; I dont like this dude


If I skip players posts a lot it’s because they are massively NAI or just fluff

Do reminds you that you could quote other player’s post by highlighting them and then press “Quote”

So it will look like this:

Yeah I agree that he should have a push tomorrow hopefully he starts doing more.

So IIRC theres no class that willing wants to be executed like the fool or jester?

So this screams neutral or some kind to me

or a 10000 IQ play of some kind

In any case i doubt hes an important class like Prince

Fool does indeed exist in this game, but with a 100% different wincon.

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Fool doesn’t mind being lynched here but they generally want bd to be lynched

Basically fool needs 1 Scum lynch or less to happen but he doesn’t count himself to that total fool also can make themselves flip as a different class

Fool cannot see no more then 1-non-bd Executed

That seems kinda tough, can they win if they are dead?