Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Yeah, that read was early on in the day before Chaos returned and revealed that he was a newbie. My view of him changed after that.

Do you think he should be removed from the ā€œtowncoreā€, or is this just a general statement?

Just a general statement
what even is the towncore

I donā€™t think weā€™ve come to an actual consensus towncore, though Iā€™m beginning to form my own. Do you have one by now?

sbpc ez

Could it have something to do with Intensifyā€™s request to join allies?

Maybe they thought he had an important role.

gg ez town win of course how could i have forgotten

I think itā€™s NAI and heā€™s probably just a villager from tone, though.

We had two night kills and Intensify doesnā€™t have it in his logs, so I doubt it.

I bled him, thereā€™s literally no reason to execute a bleeding player as thatā€™s a waste of a lynch.

Play the game. You literally canā€™t expect me to clear you just for existing.

@RuneScimitar why bleed Insanity in particular?

And why so early in the day?

Burning through the PoE, plus heā€™s pretty much consensus scum so I donā€™t think weā€™d get much information from his lynch as his buddies would just bus him. Would rather pressure one of the inactives and lynch them as that can net more info.

So what you have to say now that Insanity have done many post?

Kind of panicked as I heavily softed that I was going to ā€œsolveā€ Insanity. Was afraid of being day-occed so I did it before they had a chance to do that.

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Havenā€™t read yet.

Alright, thank you for the explanation as I was unsure why youā€™d done it so early myself.

tf there are day-occs?

Again, panicked as I heavily softed that I was going to solve Insanity. Wanted to do it ASAP as otherwise the Assassin/Invoker or something like it could day occupy me.