Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Good luck getting something from “Imma claim” or “I claim Court Wizard.”

I honestly just want Magnus mechanically solved such as by a check or bounty as he doesn’t bother to play games he signs up for.

Also disclosing here that I’m an alt.

Welcome to the thread Rune.
alts unite

Also so far I see nothing wrong with CRich’s tone, so he can be my first townlean right now.

I don’t care any less of his claim, I want to see what he is gonna say before claiming.


It makes no sense I somehow got it correct and no I was confusing with Moleland, who is not same alignment as PK.

But Italy is so convinced I am scum just for saying the observer is sign of TMI, when he got the info from the dead guy that wasn’t relevant until a day later after I said this.

I mean what the fuck Italy.

Moleland playing safe with PK is actually clever scum play with fragile alliance.

But enough is enough. I talked more about the previous experience rather than this one and it’s just cluttering the topic we’re not playing at the moment.

Fair chance he’s probably just going to make an excuse, then claim and bail.

If he does it then Nobles know what to do.

Honestly, I think we can all agree that SFoL63 was a clusterfuck for everyone not named Alice.

It’s every time when I thought Alice is so town, but I always not end up working with her together.

This time she did not powerwolf me, she learned that lesson too well.

By sharing their thoughts is useless? I sure hope not.

Oh that was sarcasm lol, I know it doesn’t come across as cleanly through text.

Initial impressions of everyone who has talked so far.

Soulshade55r. This slot is weird tonally. Their starting post also is raising my eyebrows too.
I’d keep an eye on this slot. Null to scum lean
AtNoName: Same tone as SFoL 63. I like their entrance so far. Town lean
Intensify: I get town vibes from their posts and tone here. The fact they posted reads already is a good sign coming from this slot. Town lean
Chaos Coffee: D1 Crusader claim who doesn’t realise that if we yeet scum starting D2, he converts to evil.
FrostWolf103: Their tone is towny as I remember them from SFoL 63. Townleaning this.
Though I’ve never seen any of their wolf games.
Wazza: Nothing wrong with their entrance as far as I can. Though their entrance is NAI as far as I remember them from previous games. I’ll keep an eye on this slot to see if this slot is how I remember them from SFoL 63.
L1ght: This slot is posting without any sign of self awareness or care for how people perceive them.
I’ve seen L1ght do this before as town in previous game, which he didn’t do in SFoL 63.
Town leaning this slot.
Paradox: This slot seems to be acting the same as L1ght. They’re top poster and I detect no sign of self awareness tonally. Giving this a tentative town lean.
RuneScimitar: Alt who seems fine tonally, nothing wrong with their posts as far as I can tell.
Slight town lean.
PKR: He is the King and so far I’m not getting any bad vibes from him so far.
Though as I’ve always pointed out, the King is never our first priority.
I’m putting this as a null.
SirDerpsAlot: This entrance is weird as heck. Though mind you this is SirDerpsAlot we’re talking about here. I’m going to put this as a null until I see more AI posts from this slot.

Yeah I had a feeling something was off, but you know I am open on what I react.

I will start reading tomorrow, I am going hit the bed and sleep.

Crusader got removed, that was a shitpost.

SDA’s relatively uninterested in the game from the looks of it and he’s kind of just doing his own thing. He’s probably a scum-aligned neut at worst from the looks of it so far.

Imagine not realising that sarcasm isn’t so easily detectable in internet conversation compared to face to face conversation.

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I don’t blame ya, I am too.
Then again, i’m not the best sarcasm detector in person either.

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Well you can’t talk me out of this, but I make king read since I might end up wrong anyway

The first post is likely one of the bold moves already, likely encouraging players to read the king more thoughtfully? I could imagine an evil king wants to pave through hell with good intentions like, what does he hope for, more insight on our reads that will impact his decision on who needs to be policy lynched if there’s no info available tonight?

This is why I don’t read king until later because we don’t really know kings that much until later where king slot has to be considered

Now PKR was planning to grand trial instead of doing allies.

Can’t you do a grand trial and allies? Or did I misread that.