Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!


Itā€™s not hard to act Townie as EK.
Later on your alignment should become more clear. As of now Iā€™m not that worried. Come like Day 4 or 5 and Iā€™ll have your alignment solved.

Sadly FoL Fool isnā€™t like the ToL Fool.

Me quoting something is not me agreeing to something

Based on everything that happens after that point it should become more clear.

If you are NK here, I need you to Attack someone you feel is most likely Group Scum. If you can help get rid of 1 that would help allot.

Yes, Iā€™ve been saying the King is nowhere near the top priority here. We need to focus on starting groupscum and the NK.

Why would Derps, if he is the NK, even listen to this?

Do you even think the NK would help us?

surge is town


lmao mindmeld

I am just saving this for later purposes lmao

I know he would help him self and it is most beneficial for him to kill group scum tonight over another BD.

Go right ahead.

Why would NK want groupscum out this early, wouldnā€™t it be more beneficial to keep them around for more kills right now?

I donā€™t have any word for this. Why would NK bus groupscum once he got caught?

I feel like weā€™d want nk out today to reduce the KPN honestly

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crich might be a wolf from his first like, ten posts

i actively refuse to do any more work because gamer

(im joking but i am still focused on non-fm stuff)

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Well think about it.
The NK is at a disadvantage to begin with, with a 1V3. So to prevent them from taking majority he needs to lower the amount of scum.
Then again I suppose you could argue that they would just be allowing for GS to convert someone else but thatā€™s assuming the Mastermind/CL isnā€™t Roleblocked, Near Death of anything of the equivalent.
But yeah sure he could kill BD here and wait till N3 to kill a GS but if he does that with Mastermind/CL being in a good spot he will hurt himself and not attacking also puts him at a disadvantage as the GS still remains at 3 Members.
But logically speaking if Derps kills a GS and yeets the Mastermind/CL the next day he is in a good spot.