Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Me weak Town yeah?

Or me Strong town? :muscle:

Better to aid then to send away.
Know what I mean? :crazy_face:

Iā€™ve read up to 1700, will continue to read the rest shortly.
Something I noticed is that a lot of player Poes are the same. Itā€™s possible someone just copied and pasted another PoE in order to not be executed.

In all seriousness though, I have a Town Lean on Magnus. Iā€™ll have to look at their recent posts to see if they have improved, stayed the same or became bad.

If my understanding is correct.
Donā€™t OMGUS people who scum read me automatically.
Also donā€™t tunnel people who scum read me and accuse them of being scum without finding out their motivation.
Did I miss anything?

I like this opinion even though it isnā€™t really AI. I do feel like it isnā€™t something he would point out if they were GS with someone not in the PoE.

Tbh threadstate rn is pointless.


Thatā€™s fine. I just wanted to inform Town. Because I am town.

Yet Iā€™m giving you an opportunity to walk me through your read on me.
So I can find information that indicates your slot alignment.

Yeah. That Iā€™m like a Rock. :rocket:
But Rockā€™s donā€™t hit back.
See you want to wet the paper :roll_of_toilet_paper:

Just try to not consider yourself almighty and become one with your inner self :brain:

Then we need to all come together and in due time we will all be in our happy place. :woozy_face:

Iā€™m confused what am I doing here again?

Sorry I think Iā€™m tipsy. :kissing:

Even though I didnā€™t drink :tropical_drink:

Pointless Points! :grin:

And for now, I believe it!

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i a l r e a d y d i d

By just 1 read alone?

i think youā€™re trying to put yourself in a townleader position in an unnatural way

i think your response to me calling you out for doing so was wolfy and actually moreso than soulā€™s

Well yes by asking for their thought process for their spicy read on my slot.