Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Hey Soul, do you think CRich is scum here?

No clue.

Who did you swap last night?

Def should be considered for poe

In at Work RN be on later but that Magnus lynch was bad and contains scum.
I told you all Magnus was Tone Town.
Donā€™t get rid of my fuckin Town reads.

And unless itā€™s not important to something - who mystic contacted last night?

You knowā€¦ people who are outed should claim actions etc.

Like King.

King should claim swear fealty :^)

ā€¦ lol

Does anyone mind telling whose bright idea was it to kill Magnus when I remember saying quite clearly they should have been investigated instead?

If you guys are considering pushing me because Iā€™m in PoE, Iā€™ll happily provide a claim and logs if Iā€™m wagoned.

No, no king should not.
Because I can stop converts if they hit my SF target.

No one I sent noname to himself

Unless weā€™re in a MyLO/LyLO, there is no reason for PKR to out their SF target.

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Eevee do you understand why I claimed prince

Thatā€™s why you should claim it :^)

You knowā€¦ I didnā€™t say claim truthfully.
Mind gaming with scum and other stuff.

But you do you.


Fair enough. I mean, I SFd Seth because I am a loose cop and I said I would do big plays.

How do you know this?

IF AT is MM or CL, we do know they visited paradox N1

Thatā€™s a big IF

Okay, that quick edit is important. PKRā€¦ Sorry, I gonna report it.

I am down to get rid of AT today if the information is reliable