Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Maybe add eevee into poe


yes I really hope you arenā€™t town for my mental sake and others alike

Alright Iā€™m home now. Anyone else here?

Iā€™m here.
I saw Soul put you in PoE Paradox.
What do you make of that?

soul if i do ask for a link will you not put me in it this time
Well, Iā€™d like to ask if itā€™s just because of Surgeā€™s theory or if too many other people are obvtown.

Oh in that he thinks itā€™s a cult game because the only bleed so far was on Insanity?
It would explain the lack of bleeds true, though an alternative explanation is that theyā€™re conserving bleeds so healers canā€™t prove themselves.

Oh, I was referring to the me as a convert theory actually.

Even if you were a convert, you wouldnā€™t be the first priority when none of the flips have been group scum/NK.

I was asking if that was a main reason I was in the PoE lol. Though I suppose you canā€™t answer that for Soul. Anyways, you were asking for my thoughts on the matter. I canā€™t fault Soul for it though as Iā€™m not confirmed and Iā€™m not a PR.

I think you should be asking Soul about that.
They put you in the PoE as a suspected convert and I am considering that is a possibility seeing that as a seemingly good townie, they donā€™t seem to be in a rush to get rid of you.
Though mind you they could be doing the dodge the protectives.

I donā€™t know what exactly is Soulā€™s motivation for putting you in PoE.
They can answer for themselves on that one.

Which is why I said I donā€™t suppose you can answer for Soul. I said it before and Iā€™ll say it again lol I feel awful for the scum that converts me. Though can I ask your thoughts on being in the PoE?

Itā€™s disappointing to be suspected scum, though admittedly seeing as Iā€™m unconfirmed as town that isnā€™t a surprise.

Same boat Iā€™m in, a bit disappointed but Iā€™m not surprised.

Thatā€™s the way it works. Unless you have mech or anything else clearing you, as far as everyone else is concern your slot is possible scum.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Vote Count
Wazza Soulshade55r 1/7
eevee Insanity 1/7
Not Voting Wazza, RuneScimitar, CRichard564, Paradox, PokemonKidRyan, Surge, eevee, an_gorta_pratai, SirDerpsAlot, ATNoName, Light 11

ping me if any votes are missed but since i am amazing host i missed no votes probably

Indeed it is. Also, thanks votebot. CRich can I have your thoughts on whatever the hell happened EoD?

Concerning the nightkills?
Oh those ones Iā€™m pretty sure Mistyx was deemed a consensus town and scum are targeting anyone who is consensus town. Whysper on the other hand was someone I was slight town leaning yet not everyone thought the same, so Iā€™m surprised the scum killed them.
Perhaps their last readlist will have clues as to why they were picked N2.

On Magnus, I was sleeping around that time and was shocked when it was Magnus and not Derps who was yeeted D2.