Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

At worst we lynch someone who’s going to be dead weight anyway but that’s something I do want to avoid

Then keep an open mind about my slot

@SirDerpsAlot put your real logs in last will.

My claimed actions are real

N1. Swap rune and insanity

N2. Redirect noname to himself

I said I’d keep an open mind, and I will. It’s just that I can’t find much to disprove you being scum here.

Give me a bullet list point on why in scum and we can discuss

Have you been paying attention to your gameplay? Again, I know you gave reasons for your EoD fakeclaim and the chaos at EoD2, I just legitimately can’t figure out why a towny would actually do it.

Yeah, there is like 1/3rd chance that night 2 is not real. Regardless of aligment.
2/3rd that it is… but… put real ones anyway.


Bullet point list


It is real

I’m not good at mech Eevee

At all

I’m in the middle of isoing sda
But it’s boring as fuck
So I’m just gonna stop and look for his towntells


It’s also half about actually updating will, cause 90% of playerlist is bad at remembering stuff

Don’t worry too much.

Alright then, since you asked so nicely.
•claimed prince as non prince
•caused a CFD that got a town mislynched
•was willing to waste prince’s axe on yourself provided you got scum lynched
•not contributing much until D2 (this isn’t as AI it’s just a thing)
•swapping between 2-3 fakeclaims

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Let’s start here

Tell me both what reason I would do this as scum and as town

That you can think of

I can easily see why you’d do it as scum: a last ditch effort to save yourself for the day and get a towny misyote.
As town, I can somewhat see a world in which you do it to avoid a presumed misyeet on yourself.

Alright and is their anything that happened in the interaction to make you think it was scum saving themselves rather than town doing it

It was so rushed and frantic that to me, it seemed like a wolf trying to do anything, absolutely anything to avoid the yeet. I will say I need to read through it again though, as I was in class for the majority of EoD.

The fact you claimed prince last hour was dumb