Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Not really.

And it was what I should do.
Not what I have.

I see

I think Eevee trs me you guys should sheep Eevee

Eevee has tmi because Eevee is god

ā€¦ thatā€™s last thing I want to happen.

I mean I understand that

But I donā€™t want to die

So like Iā€™m fine with pushing that atm

Doubt itā€™ll help anyways

Slowly giving up

Also rip thread

How much do you want me to defend you?

I mean

I donā€™t want to die but I wonā€™t force you to do anything

You own me huge time if I do this.
But Iā€™m able to.

Ping me when you make decision.


If youā€™re willing go for it

Iā€™m curious as well

As to what exactly youā€™ll do

Vote Count

Accused Voters Vote Count
eevee Insanity 1/7
SirDerpsALot Surge, CRichard564, RuneScimitar, Soulshade55r, Light 5/7
CRichard564 ATNoName 1/7
ATNoName PokemonKidRyan, SirDerpsAlot 2/7
Not Voting Wazza, Paradox, eevee, an_gorta_pratai 4

ping me if any votes are missed

Also just pinging me in general when voting helps

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Hi pkr

Hello to you too, SDA.
Day seems fairly set up and honestly idk whether I want to save you because I can see where everyone is coming fromā€¦

Even if I want to GT and trust me, I do. I can save it for tomorrow.

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Do it

Eevee is willing to save me and their reads are 10/10
