Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

eevee’s recent posts are more solvy than anything else i have seen from him this year.

i mean, he isn’t solving. he’s countering rune’s argument. but he’s doing that in a methodical way, while simultaneously suggesting certain things.

not sure what to think about it

i will say ahead of time that i am not good at reading derps whatsoever, especially while lacking context as to what he actually did.

but i will try.

i know that he apparently cfd’d to a lhf villager based on a preflip and also fakeclaimed prince under pressure.

it obviously looks like garbage play, and the prince claim especially looks like wolfy play, when you look at that alone.

in a vacuum i could see both from daredevil town as an ascended form of self-pres.

eevee is right that the prince claim is a fact rune doesn’t like, but doesn’t necessarily make derps a wolf given his player profile.

he might be wolf for other reasons, but idk about that one.

i’m not saying i like it, either, but.

i’ll try to get an in-depth derps iso done soon-ish.

Sadly town fake claiming is a thing on this website.
I don’t think i’ll ever understand why anyone would want to fake claim as town.
Perhaps I’m missing something obvious here, though why would you want to lie as town?
Isn’t the best play as town to get yourself confirmed so that your slot is cleared as not scum and can then move on from there?

have you guys explored any options outside of a scumteam of paradox/at/derps? that’s the main one i’ve seen pushed on a skim, with at as the converter, paradox as the convert and derps as the second starting wolf (not the converter).

i also saw a claim that wazza/insanity contains the nk. well, i know i’m not nk, so if insanity doesn’t die to their bleed, blast him?

i might check his iso first to figure out if it’s wolfy, just in case.

i mean, sometimes fakeclaiming as town can be good for reactions. in sfol63 i fakeclaimed maid with a different check and i correctly found two of my reaction targets as town based on how they responded to me thunderdoming them.

Cause if I’m right, Derps wanted to lynch AtNo.

So… names?

It’s not doing reaction tests as town that I have a problem with.
The problem I have is with townies claiming other classes which they didn’t start as and then not retracting them as reaction tests for example.

why can’t anyone outside of paradox/at/derps be groupscum? not saying this isn’t the exact team, but.

this poe seems surprisingly iron-clad for a game with two misyeets so far and no flipped wolves.

The thing about the Magnus wagon is that I can’t say it’s a terrible choice.
Their slot was basically dead weight and they didn’t have logs.
Not to mention I don’t see any obvious scum on the Magnus wagon when it’s obvious he has no business signing up for games he obviously doesn’t bother playing in.


Derps was like 4th vote on counterwagon to him.
That’s not really CFDing to LHF villager, more a self press.

Calling that a garbage play is… not fair tbh.

I would vote my counterwagon in that case as both town and scum and probably so would you.

We’ve only had one misyeet and what makes you think Derps is town?

there’s a player in this game who has strong meta on magnus and ?probably? should’ve been listened to, but i assume they didn’t really have control during eod?

Serious Magnus reminds me of Andrej before they were blacklisted.

huh. yeah, i would do that as either alignment.
i swear i saw it being called a cfd or something to that effect.

i can’t count, sorry.

nothing so far, i have yet to iso him. i’m asking just in case, because we should probably be more open than this.

would also be nice to figure out if insanity is nk or not before the night phase. i think i’ll try to do that after my derps iso.

currently on mobile, and i hate isoing on mobile, so i won’t. will be back once i’m on my pc.

Cause it was CFD, but it wasn’t led by Derps.

Which makes it even slightly weirder, considering they didn’t follow “claimed Prince”, but I assume Magnus was just low enough that everyone was okay with throwing him out.