Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

they wouldn’t really kill prince likely imo because they would think they are too passive

I think that they’re just not proficient in PR hunting.

Para/AT look relatively new. Meanwhile my immediate PoE after them here is Derps/Insanity/Vul/Light.

Eevee would know who’s the Prince and he’s been relatively villagery as well. Derps nor Light I don’t think have the PR hunting capabiltiies, while Insanity and Vul’s slot weren’t even playing the game then.

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So I want you to answer two questions: How is CRich in your towncore when you are clearing him solely based off of meta and two: How is the towncore not dead/converted yet?

Frankly I’m not too opposed with Seth blasting Para/AT as I don’t really see many other worlds where someone else is a converter. Issue here is that tonight’s a convert night and we don’t have any strongly cleared drunks so I’d just rather the Prince jail AT. Para flipping conv will basically auto-condmen AT.

First off CRich is obvious as either alignment. I’ve literally never gotten my d1 snap-read on him wrong.

Second one Paradox and Chaos were in my original towncore but I removed the former as his thread presence waned and the latter is… dead, y’know?

I mean you pretty much removed him after that observer logs.

I mean… CRichard’s reads are very… flat tbh. No depth in them.

Goodmorning everyone, also welcome Vulgard. I believe it’s been asked where I was, and I was asleep. Also, I did say I was dealing with incredibly personal issues D2 which caused my lack of activity.

His reads often boil down to “x voted up y, so x is socially confirmed town in my eyes” or “x is in his town meta, so he’s socially town.”

I basically just read him by tone and so far that has never failed me.

Yeah, I can understand.

Doesn’t change my opinion on them.

So would you say you would remove some of the towncore after N3 since now evils have fully paid attention onto them?


Up to 7 death tonight. How to solve it.

I remove people from my towncore if they haven’t been consistently villagery. I don’t care about what night we are in as well.

Ah, I see I’m likely being shot tonight if Surge’s claim rings true? I’m fine with that, if it helps town get information then go for it. However, may I ask if there’s a reason besides the convert theory?

Observer result.

Find and yeet wolves.

Literally what I’ve been doing the entire day today.

This to be exact

Oh besides convert theory.

Sorry, this time I failed in reading it seems.

Despite having over 500 posts you’ve literally haven’t had any influence on the thread past d1.

Suspicion on AT makes this case worse FMPoV since he visited you n1.

Well I can’t say there’s fault with that. If ATNo is the converter, I would have to be the N1 convert, yes. However, I know I’m town regardless. Is there a world in which ATNo is Possessor, perhaps, and stringed me into a kill, or a protective fearing I’d die?