Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

Are you sure everyone was TRing Chaos and Whysper?

Chaos was obvious locktown, and Whysper was tentatively townread at least by a majority of the game.


Are you able to confirm itā€™s cult game rn?

Yes, and a wolf would try to prioritize people who are universal townreads rather than their own TRs.

Additionally, outside of a NKA, whatā€™s your case on CRich?

No, itā€™s just that I think itā€™s most likely an Unseen game from my suspicions on AT/Para rn.

if wolfs are prioritizing universal townreads with you being part of the universal townreads, then tell me why isnā€™t the locktown ones like Soul/Surge dead?


Stop dodging my question.

It makes a lot of sense with his actual claim

also, i keep seeing iā€™m referred to as him i prefer they/them if you donā€™t mind

Hereā€™s the thing, I deadass have no way to know why wolves are making these kills as role madness games could add in doc-dodging, PR hunting, and several other motives over killing TRs or players who SR them.

The case that a wolf would kill their own personal TRs over consensus TRs is just bunk as no wolf does that.

Iā€™m surprised im not dead but if scum was in the allies theyā€™d know I was likely protected by pkr or at least Iā€™d hope

Paradox might be scum here finding that I would just vote and blindly be voting with them

Iā€™d hope you wouldnā€™t, I frankly have no idea why youā€™d blindly vote with me of all people.

I got my tinfoil hat on here

Nah we have very similar reads and I townie read you N1


Who are you planning to vote?

If you think Iā€™m dodging your question here, then I guess I should ignore what you are saying above beside the sentence at the bottom.

Outside of NKA? Could you point to how he wasnā€™t being voted by like anyone at all (except for Mist)? Or the fact hes blindly agreeing with you?

Iā€™m only ever convert or Super risky Apostle here

Okay guys, I was trying to understand whole day what happened, but I canā€™t.

I was either blocked or redirected last night and neither Mist, Insanity nor Derps action claims match.
And I want to know who and what tf happened.

There might be one more hidden offensive class, be it BD or scum.

At this pointā€¦ I just want to know what happened, cause it solves a lot if someone can explain it or not.

o wait, you were blocked? ok nvm then.