Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!


I must still be in a ToS mindset as I’d thought that was a town role lol.

nah Crusader used to exist as neutral class, but its gone

Well, I had to do a double take when I saw Blue Dragon on my class card. I’m still use to the SFoL63 game. I had to go back to the original post and make sure that BD are the real good guys this time and not the good guys as scum according to story. :slight_smile:

Anyway, glad to see PKR gets to be king this game, so he should last longer. :slight_smile:

...And yeah, just waiting to see who the first jerk is to comment that this post seems fake and performative. Haha. :grinning:

PKR dying N1 isn’t usual. Anyhow, you are the last one to post so catch up and post your thoughts.

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Welcome to the thread, pleased to see you Whysper. You always seem to get SR’d for having a “fake, performative” tone but in my opinion that’s just your town meta here tbh.

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Haha, yeah, that’s just my normal personality. I’ve actually been wondering if I should “perform” when I eventually do roll wolf and act more in line with what people consider town. Curious what the responses would be. :grinning:

Okay, I did a brief skim, but going to look more closely now.

The way Surge’s just bouncing around everyone’s openings feels like he has no TMI and is trying to solve the game in his own way. Basically pretty waterfall-y.

I wouldn’t change your behaviour if I were you. People are beginning to recognize and form your town meta, and if you deviate from it too much people may incorrectly SR you.

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time to change everything up next game

Reminder that meta reading is highly inaccurate and really shouldn’t be over-relied on other than a select few players other than Italy or Seth.

That’s true, but it’s also true that people rely on meta a lot, regardless how inaccurate it may be.

Rune is correct. Never use meta as a sole reason to read someone.
You look for tone, progression in reads and who they read as scum if they die as town.

I get incorrectly wolfread by meta often because people claim that I do things that I rand as wolf when I do them as village as well since I have a nigh non-existent difference between my wolf and village meta, so yeah. Literally the only time you should use meta is if a player’s alignment is made obvious by it.

Oh exactly, I agree with you here that meta isn’t a be-all-end-all in forming a read. I’m just saying a lot of people believe it is, and will act accordingly.

But enough rambling about it.

Have you got any strong V or W pings so far?

I’m liking a lot of what I’ve seen from CRich here. They’re being logical, trying to keep the thread on track, and I’d say i’m townleaning them right now.

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This seems fake and performative
I’m not a jerk

Also people seem to think my opener is me panicking as scum to find a good opener… the point of my opener is for memes