Forum of Lies 30 - Night 5 (5/18) The Demon and Inquisitor win!

like you never really bothered with allies N2/N3 like I wanted you to but whateves I wanted to tell you the prince so you could protect them

The problem here is that Iā€™m actually Knight, still with all of my abilities, and Iā€™m thinking itā€™s, at best, a 5v1v1. At worst, a 3v3v1

That is fair but I did not want to waste it.
I wanted to save it for an important situationā€¦ likeā€¦ today.

sethā€™s iso has a weird focus on specifically nk hunting.

and heā€™s been mostly going with the flow all game. contributing in his own way but never shaking things up.

So, yeah, if I die, basically town insta-loses are tonight is either a convert night for Unseen if they failed last night, or a 2-for-1 for assassin, as well as an NK kill.

light makes sense to be assasin and seth makes sense to be nk.

where are the wolves then

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Unseen would actually be stupid to kill tonight

seth is never groupscum unless converted last night. he just isnā€™t. trust me on this.

Iā€™m going to say in you/crich, because Rune is confirmed for bleed, Soul is confirmed for Link, and Seth is confirmed for shooting Paradox.

Yeah well pretty sure we can all agree with that

the fact the previous person in my slot decided to do nothing night 2 and barely anything in the thread doesnā€™t do me any favors, but i guess i could see that making sense?
whoā€™s the converted one and whoā€™s the starting wolf then? can you go further in-depth? it actually matters which wolf exactly we kill today.

seth is in no way confirmed not nk for shooting paradox.

Rune isnā€™t confirmed I just trust them over anyone else here

Then who killed gorta?

like, thatā€™s the perfect opportunity for nk to gain towncred by shooting a wolf in poe.

Runes never starting unseen here

Insanity HHā€™d the Assassin, didnā€™t he?

for all we know i did kill paradox and seth went for gorta, then heā€™d claim that paradox was immune or something.

Oh, that is fair. Okay. So, Iā€™m between You/CRich/Seth, nobody ever converts Seth unless as a last resort, because his scummeta is so fucking obvious (look at Insurgency and Wild West FM for examples)

So Iā€™m going to say that the unseen PoE is between you and CRich. CRich, as Iā€™ve said all game, has been acting pretty weird, and trying to control night invest/protective does make sense for assassin->mastermind